
UoH Blended

Page history last edited by Patricia McGee 13 years, 6 months ago

Blended Course Design Workshop

University of Houston

College of Business

August 17-18

Patricia McGee (CV)


Workshop PPT

Workshop PPT as PDF


Day 1, Wednesday August 17 (all day)


  • 10:45 – 11 AM: BREAK 


  • 11:00 AM – Noon: What we Know that Works: Effective Practices. There is much research and institutional principles that contribute to our understanding about what makes a blended course successful.  We will discuss these effective practices for the first day, assessment, communication, interaction, feedback, etc. and make decisions about how they relate to specific courses.
    • Activity: Considering your syllabus, you will determine how the three A’s may be modified to work best in a blended format.


  • Noon --1:00 PM: LUNCH


  • 1:00 – 1:45 PM: What Blended Courses Look Like: Looking at Real Courses. Blended courses are varied in how they work and what students and instructors do. A variety of course review rubrics exist that cannot only help us review an existing course but also help design a course. This session provides an opportunity to examine successful blended courses using design rubrics.


  • 1:45 – 2:00 PM: BREAK


  • 2:00 – 3:00 PM: Interactivity through Technology: Engaging the Learner with Relevance. Research indicates that students in blended courses are much more active and interactive. We will talk about accountability, engagement, forms of interaction, and tools that support relevant interaction.
    • Activity: Using the course syllabus, we will come up with strategies for making the learner responsible, where and how interaction occurs, and what forms of technology are appropriate for your course.
    • Resources:
  • 3:00-4:00 PM: Implementing and Evaluating the Course. Blended courses may be new to the instructor and to the learner and therefore ‘feel’ and operate differently. This session will address student readiness, the biorhythms of a blended course, and formative/summative/confirmative evaluation.


Day 2, Thursday, August 18 (half day)

  • 9:00 AM-10:00: Technology Tour. Blackboard is just one technology that can support a blended course; Web 2.0, mobile technologies, and classroom technologies will be explored in this hands-on session in depth as we consider what various tools have to offer. Examples and illustrations will provide guidance in decision-making. 
  • 10:00 AM- Noon: One-on-One Consultation 




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