
Using Technology to its Best Advantage 2011

Page history last edited by Alisa Cooper 13 years, 7 months ago

Using Technology to its Best Advantage

Alisa Cooper

Day 2 - 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM


Conference Home Page


Technology becomes critical in the blended course. Regardless of how you choose to use it, careful consideration should be given to the benefit, instructional or non-instructional purpose, and contribution to the classroom, blended, or online component.  In this session, you will be given activity options based on your needs and interests such as technology tour, technology consultation, and mapping and aligning course objectives, activities and assignments with technology. (No Slides)


Technology Tour and maybe 1 minute sharing of favorite technology (60 min) 


Thinking About What I Want to Do 

Technology Tour 


Technology and Mapping Consulting or Project Time: Veronica, Alisa, Patricia (30 min)



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