
Mapping the Course

Page history last edited by Patricia McGee 12 years, 7 months ago

Mapping the Course


While incorporating online and face-to-face interaction components, blended courses differ from classroom and online courses; they are uniquely different and require designing a new course, even when based upon an existing one. This session introduces key elements of blended design and the process of re-designing a traditional course into a blended one.




Handouts and Resources 

Mapping Your Course: re(Designing) for Blended Delivery (word doc)

Using Bloom’s Taxonomy for Objective Development (word doc)

Ten Blended Questions Checklist (word doc) 

Aligning Your Course Components for Blended Delivery (word doc)  

The Blended Course: Building in Accountability (word doc) 


Bloom's Digital Taxonomy (website)

RadioJames™ Objective Builder (a la Bloom's) (website)

Blended Course and Syllabus Examples (website)

UCF Blended Learning Toolkit http://blended.online.ucf.edu/ (website) 


National Center for Academic Transformation (NCAT) Resources

-http://thencat.org/PlanRes/R2R_PrinCR.htm (5 Principles of Successful Redesign with Examples) 

-http://thencat.org/Rec_Reading.htm (course redesign readings) 

-http://thencat.org/R2R/R2R_Planning_Resources.htm (course redesign planning resources) 


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