
Technology Resources

Page history last edited by Patricia McGee 13 years, 6 months ago



 Collection of eLearning Tools - http://elearningtools.wetpaint.com

How to guide (UCF) - includes cloud-based services as well as desktop (e.g. MS Office)



Elluminate - http://www.elluminate.com/
a real-time virtual classroom environment designed for distance education and collaboration in academic institutions

Google Docs - http://documents.google.com/
create, upload, edit and share documents and spreadsheets

Nicenet - http://www.nicenet.org/
free conferencing and document sharing

Topica Exchange - http://lists.topica.com/create/index2.html
email discussion group tool

WIMBA - http://www.wimba.com/
popular commercial syncronous communication tool

Zoho - http://www.zoho.com/
create, upload, edit and share documents and spreadsheets 

Community/Social Network


Ning – http://www.ning.com/

A free service for creating networks on any topic.



Elgg – http://elgg.org/

A server-based open source software package to create social networks. Free to individuals but requires institutional membership to offer courses.



Epsilen - http://www.epsilen.com/

A professional portfolio + social networking service for anyone with a .edu email address.


My Space - http://www.myspace.com/

This free service provides a variety of functions for social networking, including rating faculty members.


Facebook - http://www.myspace.com/

Intended for education, this free service is used by families, friends as well as students and instructors.


LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/

A free professional networking tool that allows members to create profiles, store recommendations, and apply for positions. Generates networks based on those to whom you are linked.

Course Content 


Adobe Creative Suite (Dreamweaver) – http://www.adobe.com
popular commercial product for the creation of webpages and websites

ClassJump.com - http://classjump.com/
free websites for educators

del.icio.us - http://del.icio.us/
tagged bookmarking

Faculty Central - http://www.facultycentral.com/
web pages and collaboration

PCFonts downloadable free fonts- http://www.pcfonts.com/index.php  

SoftChalk - http://www.softchalk.com/

Web Scrapbook - http://chnm.gmu.edu/tools/scrapbook/
a clipping file for the Internet...place images, excerpts, and whole web pages that you find while you surf the web and annotate these items and sort them into folders

Document Creation and Conversion 


Flashcard Tool - http://www.flashcardexchange.com/index.php

Interactive Printing Press - http://interactives.mped.org/view_interactive.aspx?id=110&title

PDF995 - http://www.pdf995.com/

PDF Converter - http://convert.neevia.com/

Worksheet Generator - http://school.discoveryeducation.com/teachingtools/worksheetgenerator/



engrade - http://www.engrade.com/ 

GradeLog - http://www.gradelog.com/

MyGradeBook.com - http://mygradebook.com/how_it_works.cfm

turnitin - http://www.turnitin.com/static/home.html
plagiarism prevention tool


Learning Activities 


Adobe Creative Suite (Flash) – http://www.adobe.com
popular commercial products for the creation and editing of interactive movies

amMap - http://www.interactivemaps.org/
build interactive maps and graphics

Filamentality - http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/
tool that guides you through picking a topic, searching the Internet, gathering good Internet links, and turning them into online learning activities

Flashcard Tool - http://www.flashcardexchange.com/index.php

Instant WebQuests - http://www.instantprojects.org/webquest/main.php
Webquest templates and wizards, no HTML required

myprojectpages.com - http://www.myprojectpages.com/
create structured online inquiry-based learning activities for the courses you teach that enable your students to engage in meaningful learning experiences online

Timeline Tools

-        http://www.learningtools.arts.ubc.ca/timeline.htm
allows an instructor to quickly construct an interactive timeline with audio and visual effects

-        http://www.timetoast.com/  internet-based timeline maker that can be shared and linked.

Learning Management Systems (LMS) 


ANGEL - http://www.angellearning.com/
enables efficient and effective development, delivery and management of courses, course content and learning outcomes

Blackboard - http://www.blackboard.com
build and manage learning content and provide an engaging environment for students

Moodle - http://moodle.org/
a free, open-source LMS used to create online learning communities  

Sakai - http://www.sakaiproject.org/
a free, open-source LMS that supports teaching and learning, ad hoc group collaboration, portfolios and research collaboration

Haiku LMS - http://www.haikulearning.com/ 

Lesson Building / Plans / Tracking 


Assign-A-Day - http://assignaday.4teachers.org/
enhance teacher and student communication through an online teacher-managed calendar

Assignment Calculator/Calendar - http://www.lib.umn.edu/help/calculator/ 

TrackStar - http://trackstar.4teachers.org/ 

Math on the Web 


Mathematica - http://www.wolfram.com/products/mathematica/index.html  

WebEQ - http://www.dessci.com/en/products/webeq/ 



Adobe Creative Suite (Flash) – http://www.adobe.com
popular commercial products for the creation and editing of interactive movies

Camtasia - http://www.techsmith.com/camtasia.asp
popular commercial product for screen capture and tutorial building

Dvolver  - http://www.dfilm.com/live/home.html
animated movie maker

Interactive Video / Transcript Viewer - http://fnsp.arts.ubc.ca/projects/IVT 
functional way to view video archives 

jClicker - http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/proj/jclicker/
slide show tool

Multimedia Learning Object Authoring Tool - http://www.learningtools.arts.ubc.ca/mloat.htm 
enables designers to combine video, audio, images and texts into one synchronized learning object 

Real Producer - http://www.realnetworks.com/products/producer/basic.html

converts live feeds or existing media into RealAudio and RealVideo files

Snagit - http://www.techsmith.com/screen-capture.asp?CMP=KyahoonssStmhome
commercial screen capture tool

SURWEB - http://www.surweb.org/search/MS_create.asp
create multimedia presentations

Wink - http://www.debugmode.com/wink/
create interactive presentations and tutorials



Crossword Puzzle Maker - http://teachers.teach-nology.com/web_tools/crossword/ 

Puzzlemaker - http://puzzlemaker.discoveryeducation.com/  

Quiz Generators 


EasyTestMaker - http://www.easytestmaker.com/default.aspx  

ExamBuilder - http://www.exambuilder.com/ 

ProProfs - http://www.easytestmaker.com/default.aspx

QuizCenter - http://school.discoveryeducation.com/quizcenter/quizcenter.html 

QuizStar - http://quizstar.4teachers.org/ 

Respondus - http://www.respondus.com/
tool for creating and managing exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to 

ClassMarker - http://www.classmarker.com/

Rubric Generators and Sample Rubrics 


Collaboration Rubric - http://projects.edtech.sandi.net/morse/oceanhealth/rubrics/collrubric.html
sample rubric

Roobrix - http://roobrix.com/
convert a rubric score to a percentage

Rubrician - http://www.rubrician.com/
sample rubrics for all subjects

Rubric Maker - http://myt4l.com/index.php?v=pl&page_ac=view&type=tools&tool=rubricmaker
free online tool

Rubrics.com - http://www.rubrics.com/
commercial rubric software 

Rubric Template - http://edweb.sdsu.edu/triton/july/rubrics/Rubric_Template.html

Rubistar - http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php
free online tool



Poll Daddy - http://www.polldaddy.com/

Create free real time polls as well as limited Internet-based surveys 


Smart-Survey - http://www.smart-survey.co.uk/
limited free survey building, distribution and analysis 

Survey Builder - http://chnm.gmu.edu/tools/surveys/ 

SurveyMonkey - http://www.surveymonkey.com/  

Survey Tracker - http://www.surveytracker.com/app-education.htm
commercial survey software for course evaluation, surveys and testing 

Web Graphics 


Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat) – http://www.adobe.com
popular commercial products for the creation and editing of images and documents for the web 

Gliffy - http://www.gliffy.com/
create and share flow-charts and diagrams  

Graphic Organizer Maker - http://myt4l.com/index.php?v=pl&page_ac=view&type=tools&tool=graphicorganizers    

Web Poster Wizard - http://wizard.4teachers.org/
create a lesson, worksheet, or class page and immediately publish it online

ZamZar - http://www.zamzar.com/
free online image file converter 

Mobile Learning tools & Resources -http://elearningtools.wetpaint.com/page/Mobile



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